We can all see that COVID is not just going away. Smart employers have a plan for when their workers get sick. Because they will.
Well-Being and Wellness
These posts focus on workplace well-being and wellness as part of business leadership and management.
Workplace Attire: Weather Should be a Consideration
Business suites do not turn employees into leaders or make them professional. Workplace attire should reflect many things including weather.
Work Is a Contributor to Wellbeing – hr bartender
An American Psychological Association survey says that work contributes to overall wellbeing. Here is how employers can support wellbeing.
Goal Setting Today Can Be Fun – HR Bartender
Goals are a business necessity. And goal setting takes careful thought and planning. Here are a few ways to have fun while you dream big.
Managers: Don’t Confuse Busyness with Productivity
Focus is on productivity right now. But how can you distinguish between business and productivity? Managers can use some helpful guidance.
Should HR Be Responsible for Facilitating Friendships
Friendships at work is nothing new. But should employers focus on workplace friends? And should HR be responsible for facilitating them?
Putting Diversity Equity and Inclusion Talk into Action
Talk alone is not enough when it comes to diversity. Here is a great resource that can guide organizations to put diversity talk into action.