Over a year ago, I wrote a post titled “7 Links Challenge” in response to a piece on ProBlogger. I always find those things fun. …
Technology and Social Media
These posts focus on human resource technology and social media as part of business leadership and management.
Ask HR Bartender: Niche Recruiting
I received a note from a reader asking how to find niche sites for recruiting. Unfortunately, they didn’t say what niche…so I can’t really answer …
Why Do You Use LinkedIn Anyway
Someone sent me a Forbes article about the success of LinkedIn being tied to the popularity of social recruiting. It’s an interesting read and you …
Why Your Company Needs a Mobile Technology Policy
Being a person who loves my iPhone and iPad, articles about mobile trends usually catch my eye. I found one recently from Portfolio that talked …
Connections, Impressions and Engagement
One of my takeaways from this year’s Mashable Connect was the comment, “Connections are the new impressions.” I was reminded of the comment again in …
#ASTD Research: Mobile Puts Learning In the Palm of Your Hand
One of the things that impressed me about this year’s ASTD International Conference was the opening remarks by President & CEO Tony Bingham. His remarks …
The First Question Networkers Ask – #WHATIDO
I stumbled across an old article on Entrepreneur.com outlining the questions master networkers ask. It reminded me that, a couple of years ago, I created …