Commonplace books have been around for a long time. They are designed to contain a variety of external quotes and images to inspire growth.
Career Development
These posts focus on career development as part of business leadership and management.
Schedule Time to Think About Your Career – hr bartender
Career planning requires time and focus. Schedule some time to think about your career with help from these articles.
The Most Productive Ways to Spend the Last Two Weeks of the Year
Looking for productive things to do during the final two weeks of the year? Here are 10 end-of-year projects from a mini-audit to taking a class.
Learning Styles: 5 Ways to Productively Use Them – hr bartender
Learning styles can be different for every employee. Knowing a preferred learning style is important. Here are ways to productively use them.
Put Together Your Career Mixtape – hr bartender
When career planning, be prepared for change. A career mixtape can include things to keep you focused on achieving changing goals.
Knowing What Introvert and Extrovert Mean – hr bartender
Workplaces may try to attached labels like introvert or extrovert to employees. We examine the definitions to help understand what they mean.
Make Interview Questions Relevant to the Job – hr bartender
In a job interview, candidates should not be forced to discuss their personal lives. Popular “fun” questions might just cross that line.