HR pros need to know how to manage change. Steve Browne joins the HR Bartender Show podcast to share his insights on change management.
Business and Customers
These posts focus on overall business and business customers as part of leadership and management.
Talent Hoarding and Employee Retention are Two Different Things
Employee retention is critical when the labor market is tight. But talent hoarding is not the solution. Hoarding talent causes many problems.
7 Questions That Will Make Your Recruiting Process More Efficient
Recruiting and retention depend on good selection. Here are 7 questions for recruiting strategy planning to identify the best job candidates.
Organizations: Focus on Inclusion as Employees Return To the Workplace
All employees want to work someplace where they are valued. Inclusion should be the focus as employers bring workers back into the office.
Is the Problem with Staffing or Scheduling – Know the Difference
Many times workplace problems arise and they are blamed on poor staffing. Even when the problem is with scheduling. Both must be in harmony.
Company Political Views Can Impact Recruitment Results
Companies may be comfortable with their political views and expressing them. But that could have an impact on their recruitment efforts.
Process Organizational Change Using VUCA
VUCA is an acronym for a strategy for processing organizational change. As the world of business changes even faster, VUCA may be the answer.