Bookmark This! Workplace Communication Edition

wall art bullhorn on Queen Mary referring to workplace communication

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Communication is such an important part of both our personal and professional lives. Workplace communications have so many facets: 

  1. Written
  2. Verbal
  3. One-on-one 
  4. Groups
  5. Listening
  6. Presenting

In my corporate life, this has always been the time of year when we were working on budgets, which also means we were working on goals. We would pitch the projects we wanted to take on in the next year and estimate how many resources we needed to accomplish the task. Sometimes we had to chat one-on-one with a business leader for their support. Other times, we were asked to make a brief presentation outlining the project along with its timeline and goals. 

As you’re starting to think about your goals for next year and the resources it will take to accomplish them, here are a few resources that might help.

Grow Your Professional Career Through Networking

Even if you’re not looking for a new opportunity, building professional relationships both inside and outside the organization through networking remains a valuable activity. Networking can help us build confidence, boost our communication skills, market ourselves or our business, and learn new things.

Learn How to Use Silence in Your Communication

Being able to communicate well is important. When it comes to communication, we often talk about being able to communicate succinctly and clearly. We talk about the value of listening. But one aspect of workplace communication that we don’t discuss often enough is silence.

Silence can be a useful tool in communications. We’re not talking creepy moments of silence that last for eons. Think of this as just a natural pause in the conversation. 

The Difference Between Training, Facilitation and Presentations

We continue to tell employees they need to own their career development. For that reason, employees are going to place emphasis on the various methods that information is being shared. So, speakers need to be cognizant that training is truly interactive, facilitation is objective, and presentations accomplish certain goals. That doesn’t mean presentations should be boring. It means that they need to be relevant and well-managed.

10 Public Speaking Tips for Your Next Business Presentation

The best way to learn public speaking is by doing it more often. It’s one of those things that gets easier with frequency. And being a little nervous is okay. It’s about focusing on being comfortable with the room so you can showcase your expertise and knowledge.

Having Media Literacy Is a Business Competency

As businesspeople, we spend a lot of time on the internet. We use articles and reports from the internet in our presentations and proposals. We share content on our social media accounts. We comment on what people write on their blogs, etc. It’s important that we’re responsible media consumers and publishers which means as individuals, we must learn how to be media literate.

Regardless of your job title, communication is a key part of your role. We have to attend meetings, talk with colleagues, and share information. It’s always good to take a moment for a refresher on communication success tips and strategies. 

The next big thing you want to do could depend on it. 

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA

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