Bookmark This! Labor and Employment Law Postings Edition

graphic office meeting about labor and employment law postings compliance

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

There have been a lot of headlines lately related to labor and employment law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently announced a rule banning non-compete agreements. And the U.S. Department of Labor finalized a rule to increase the compensation thresholds for overtime eligibility under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). While there’s been talk of contesting these rules, it’s still something that human resources professionals must manage.

We will be talking more about these issues in upcoming articles so stay tuned!

Another aspect of labor and employment law that’s seen a lot of activity lately is postings. We’ve written about many of these changes, so I thought it could be helpful to have all the information in one place.

3 New Labor Law Poster Updates in the Past Year 

HR professionals have a long list of things to do – recruiting, training, benefits administration, and more. Compliance is one of those things. I’m reminded of the phrase, “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” Can I research all the federal, state, and local labor law changes? Yes, I can. Is that the best use of my time? Hmmm…not really. 

3 Employee Groups with Unique Labor Law Posting Requirements

It’s very easy to dismiss warnings about labor law posters with “Oh, we have all the right ones.” or “There will be headlines everywhere when our posters need to be updated.” That’s simply not true. While I’m not saying that government agencies are out to catch organizations that aren’t in compliance, it’s important to realize that in today’s fast paced business world, there’s no guarantee that labor law posting updates are going to automatically move into the trending topics section of your favorite social media platform.

Different Industries Require Different Labor Law Postings

I’d like to offer a friendly reminder that when we’re thinking about labor law postings, not every organization is the same. Some industries have specific labor law posting requirements that companies need to know. This article includes three examples of industry specific labor law postings that organizations need to keep in mind. 

Labor Law Requirements for Hybrid and Remote Workers

Remote work can save money in terms of working attire, commute expenses, and childcare expenses. It can also positively contribute to overall wellbeing. And technology tools are allowing remote workers to still communicate, collaborate, and get work done. But all this talk about remote work does raise the question, how do organizations communicate with employees when it comes to topics like labor law compliance postings. I know organizations need to be focused on getting the work done, but we also need to make sure all employees know their rights as required by federal, state, and local law.

Labor Law Postings: 4 Key Elements of an Effective Strategy

While most employers know they need to have labor law postings, I can see organizations forgetting to take the extra caution necessary when it comes to unique employee groups, different industries, and employee handouts. As HR professionals, compliance is a key part of our roles. That doesn’t mean it needs to consume most of our time. We need to have a complete compliance strategy that allows us to be proactive versus reactive. 

If your organization hasn’t done an audit of their labor law postings lately, this might be a good time to schedule one. It can confirm the posters that are in compliance and the ones that need updating. This might also be a good time to determine if monitoring labor and employment law postings is the best use of HR department time. 

Compliance is a regular component of human resources. But even when it comes to compliance, HR departments have choices on how to monitor and manage it. 

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