Bookmark This! The GDPR Compliance Edition
Last week, I shared with you an interview with Tom Wetherill from Unum’s United Kingdom offices about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The compliance deadline is Friday, May 25, so I thought it appropriate to share a few more resources you might find helpful.
Undercover Recruiter published an article on “Why GDPR and GDPR-Compliance Matters”.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has some great GDPR information in their Resources and Tools section:
Key Questions About Employee Information Notices Answered
8 Aspects of Compliance: A Brief Guide for HR Functions
Our friends at Criteria Corp did a blog post recently on GDPR Compliance: What You Need to Know.
I’ve mentioned to you before that I’m reading a few project management blogs. One of them, A Girl’s Guide to Project Management, wrote a post on the “10 GDPR Questions to Ask Before Starting a New Project”.
Kate Bischoff and Ultimate Software teamed up to present a webcast on “GDPR for HR and Payroll: What’s Next for the Workplace?” This recording is preapproved for SHRM and HRCI recertification credits.
TalentSoft has an on-demand webinar titled “Getting Ready for the GDPR! What HR Needs to Do Now”. They also have an ebook “Data Privacy: A practical Guide to the N°1 Topic in HR & IT” that could be helpful as well.
MetricStream has a white paper on GDPR Trends and Predictions for 2018.
Here’s one you might want to pass along to your marketing colleagues: Christopher S. Penn’s post on GDPR 101 for Marketers. And keep it handy for those times when HR needs to think like a marketer.
The General Data Protection Regulation is a big deal for everyone. It wouldn’t surprise me if other countries adopt these same rules at some point in the future. Regardless of company size and location, it has the potential to impact your organization. Get educated about the regulation and make sure that the rest of the management team stays current as well. Which leads me to my last point…
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Image adapted from one found on EU General Data Protection Regulation